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Make reblogs private after blocking a user

According to the help page on blocking, 'blocking a user means "I do not want to see or be seen by this user."'

However, if a user reblogs one of my posts, and then I block them, their reblog of my post is not deleted. This is surprising to me because my expectation is that after I block them, they will no longer be able to see my posts; making an exception for a post or posts that they have already reblogged is counterintuitive.

On the other hand, in the words of this feature request, "Blocking a user who makes an unwelcome reply prevents further interaction, but doesn't hide the reply; this is somewhat expected, due to a reply's characteristic of being a freestanding post instead of being subordinate to someone else's post." I understand that as well; it would be surprising to the person who has been blocked if the additional commentary they wrote on a reblog was lost to them forever.

So I suggest that if user A blocks user B after B has reblogged a post from A, the reblog should become visible only to B. I realize this also requires fine-grained access control at the granularity of individual posts, which doesn't exist in general right now. In my opinion, it's important to fulfill the "they can't see my posts and I can't see theirs" expectation as consistently as possible.

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That's why I suggested making the reblog visible to the blocked person, but nobody else -- that way, it wouldn't vanish.

Requiring people to completely delete a post in order to stop an unwanted reblog seems excessive.

That seems excessive to me. Also incredibly confusing if you are the blocked person. I'm not going to call it gaslighting, but having a reblog vanish with zero warning or indication of what has happened is absolutely mindboggling. If anything, it's going to generate a lot more false positive bug reports because people think posts are breaking.

If you really don't want a blocked person to see your reblog, you can delete the entire post. The contents of a deleted post are replaced with "[deleted]". This won't stop someone from circumventing blocks with side accounts, but I'd assume staff would step in if bloggers are doing such an antagonistic thing.

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