Silencing a user on cohost:

  • hides their posts from your stream
  • hides their shares from your stream
  • hides their comments

In general, silencing a user means "I do not want to see this user's content."

Blocking a user on cohost:

  • unfollows them, if you were following them
  • force-unfollows you, if they were following you
  • hides their posts from your stream
  • hides their shares from your stream
  • hides their comments
  • prevents them from viewing your posts while logged in
  • prevents them from commenting on your posts
  • prevents them from replying to your comments on other posts

In general, blocking a user means "I do not want to see or be seen by this user."

NOTE: These lists reflect the current functionality of blocking and silencing. Further functionality, such as hiding a user from search results, may be added or changed in the future.