I encountered this yesterday after publishing a post. I was able to restore the intended order of my tags by editing the published post, and then deleting and re-entering the tags. But, I have no idea if this actually caused the composer to retain my tag order, or if I just got lucky on a new random order dice roll like described above.
Greg Jensen
I'm not sure whether this constitutes a bug or a shift in the intended behavior of the site in the lead-up to tag synonyms, but I've noticed two new behaviors today:
1. The order in which tags are added into the post/compose window is not necessarily the order in which they appear when the post is published. For example, `#cohost meta` was the middle tag when I hit publish on this post: https://cohost.org/belarius/post/7128724-is-anyone-else-exper
2. Drafts that were saved days or weeks ago now have their tags ordered when that draft is reloaded.
I recognize that tag synonyms may simply change the ways in which tags are intended to behave, but a fair amount of existing posting behavior assumes that tags in published posts will appear in the order they were added (such as people using multiple tags to say consecutive parts of a sentence, or uses of `#<- this tag already existed`). The fact that older drafts are being impacted suggests something pretty fundamental has changed about how tags are stored in posts and loaded upon a post is visited, so if this is intended behavior, it would be helpful to get more insight into what behavior to expect going forward.
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