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Ghost Notifications After Silencing, Blocking

 This is an expansion of Silencing your own post still results in seeing notification badges for it. In my experience I have encountered three situations in which the notification badge will show a number of new notifications, but when you go to your notifications page those notifications will be missing:

Case 1. You silence your own post, then someone interacts with it

Case 2. You silence a reply to your post, then someone interacts with the reply

Case 3. You are blocked by a page after making a reply, then someone interacts with your reply

In all of these I use "reply" to mean "share and add content." I suspect that if you block a page after they make a reply, you will still get notifications for people interacting with that reply, but I haven't tested it myself to be sure. I also don't know if being blocked by an intermediate reply (e.g. person A posts, person B replies, person C replies to person B, person B blocks person C) would have the same effect as case 3.

In all cases this is primarily just annoying behavior, with case 1 being an annoyance of incomplete notification management and cases 2/3 being an annoyance of incomplete severing of connections.


Case 1. Make a post, then silence it. Interactions on that post will tick up the badge but not be on the notifications page itself.

Case 2. Make a post, have someone reply, then silence their reply. Interactions on the reply (the "so-and-so liked/shared a share of your post..." ones) will tick up the badge but not be on the notifications page itself.

Case 3. Reply to a post, then have the OP block you. Interactions on your reply will tick up the badge but not be on the notifications page itself.

1 person has this problem
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