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Only 2 pages of drafts are visible

Starting today I've noticed that I can no longer see any of my drafts past the 2nd page; the button to jump forward a page no longer appears.


The drafts still exist, since I can delete a newer draft and an older draft will jump up to fill the empty space, but I can no longer access old drafts.

Curiously, though, I can work around the problem by taking the URL of my second page drafts[whatever]&skipPosts=20 and change skipPosts to 40; from there I can browse to the end of my drafts as usual.

1 person has this problem

Iiiiiinteresting. I'll share with the team.

 I've also been having this problem, but starting recently the rightwards arrow is now also missing from my first page of drafts! All pages beyond the second work as normal.

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