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ability to view contentful shares

As of now, we can only see what someone writes on a post if we see that share, or someone else comments on that share. I suggest that we should be able to view all shares of a post that have added something to a post. This will help with community building and avoiding the clunky interaction of first going to comments, then to the shared post to see what they are commenting on.

9 people like this idea

I support this too! Seeing all notes on a post (except privated or deleted ones) have always been a good thing on tumblr. The amount of community and extra information that this allows is great and I miss it on cohost.

Seconded. This is a common point of friction for tumblr refugees, and it also just doesn't make sense to me that we can't already do this. It's not exactly adding metrics, and it would enable more fluid discussion by allowing users access to all the comment sections of a single post in one place.

Much desired feature for me as well

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