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Unable to upload pictures

Attempting to upload a picture onto a post causes it to hang while uploading the picture. Posts without pictures have no problems. I have tried this on both an Android phone and a Windows PC so I do not think it is a bug with my account.

12 people have this problem

I did some testing. Attachments under about 500 KB work. Attachments over 500 KB get stuck on "Uploading..." forever.

I uploaded images with sizes up to 458 KB here - - but a 519 KB image failed.

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oh bonus; trying to save as draft instead of post creates a post in drafts with an"invalid attachment"

small PNGs are working fine for me, large ones hanging when both dragging into the post box and pasting from clipboard having a prolonged "starting" dialog and then hang on uploading.

I'm also having failed image uploads - two JPGs < 2 MB both failed to upload, converting to PNG made them bigger (8 MB + 4 MB) and still failed to upload. 

I'm not able to upload images or audio, seemingly. Tried both on desktop and mobile, with both Firefox and Chrome. I haven't tried uploading smaller files though

It seems to be related to specific files, I can get some images to upload and some cause the same hanging error. Filesize, maybe? The smallest have no issues, once I go above 2MB it hangs. All PNGs in my testing.

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