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accessibility options: plain text & alt text made into IDs

some people have trouble reading formatted text (with large headings/subheadings, bolded and italicized, etc.) so i think being able to turn off the formatted text on posts you're viewing would be helpful
another thing is some people have trouble reading alt-text things (or some screenreaders aren't able to read them, so i've heard). the ability to make it into readable captions/image descriptions under the images (same with gifs & potentially videos?) would do a lot of help with that, i think. kind of like the option available on the xkit rewritten extension for tumblr (image attached bellow)

 part of a post from horseimagebarn on tumblr. there's an an image of a horse in a green field jumping only slightly off the ground. there's a gray box displayed under the image which shows the images alt-text as if it were a caption. the alt text says: "horse in a green field jumping only slightly off the ground.

[ ID: part of a post from horseimagebarn on tumblr. there's an an image of a horse in a green field jumping only slightly off the ground. there's a gray box displayed under the image which shows the images alt-text as if it were a caption. the alt text says: "horse in a green field jumping only slightly off the ground. End ID. ]

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Bumping, accessibility is always good :]

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