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Show 18+ posts button only works on first page

* The show18PlusPosts=false property doesn't persist when you change page. So if you're in a tag feed and move to the second page of it, it resets to showing (or not showing, depending on your user settings) 18+ posts.

* If you click the show 18+ posts button on anything past the first page of a feed, it resets back to the first page. i.e. If you're on

and click it, you'll be taken to

instead of

6 people have this problem

If I toggle the setting and go to the next page, the setting gets reset to its default. If I toggle the setting while on the second page, it takes me back to the first page.

2 people like this
Just realized I'm getting the same behavior! Frustrating when trying to browse tags and filter out the 18+ content for my sfw pages. I generally browse from my nsfw page so I have the account setting to show 18+ posts in searches by default. In theory I could change that to browse without the 18+ posts then turn it back on, but that's a huge pain in the butt ):
Same thing happening to me, using a Samsung A33 5G, One UI version 5.1, Android 13, using Chrome 119.0.6045.66 with that "install this webpage" feature or something like that
Same here, using Safari on iPhone 11, iOS version 17.1.2.
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