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Volume control for audio embeds

 it would be nice to be able to control the audio volume

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This would be really useful!

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i am absolutely shocked to see that audio posts were launched without *any* kind of volume control. there's really nothing stopping people from posting audio that just blow your ears out, intentionally or otherwise. how was this not considered???

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I also want this to happen, a volume slider is unbelievably useful

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We shipped without volume controls because while doing a survey of major platforms that support audio uploads, we found that the majority do not have volume controls. This includes:

  • tumblr
  • bandcamp
  • discord
That said, we're looking into a good way to implement this. As a temporary workaround, we suggest using a per-tab volume control extension.

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what??? idk about those other sites, but discord *definitely* has volume control (at least on desktop). infact, their implementation is surprisingly great, since they seem to have it set up to always remember what you set it to previously, which is a HUGE help in combating "haha loud = funni" audio.

please consider adding this. without it, i am strongly inclined to avoid audio posts like the plague because i simply do not trust anyone to not destroy my headphones.

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tumblr audio posts not having volume controls is one of the worst things about audio on that platform, and i use a userscript to add volume controls to bandcamp. discord *does* have a volume control. not sure why we would need other platforms to implement this to have it ourselves

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^ 1000000% this.

mimicking what other platforms do makes sense in a lot of cases, but this is definitely *not* one of those cases.

As I said above, we’re looking into a good way to implement this. We’ll have more to share later.

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 bandcamp doesnt have volume control?????? i never noticed that

Bandcamp's lack of volume control can be a huge pain there too - there's browser extensions specifically targeting Bandcamp to fix that. It's a little stupid that Bandcamp has never addressed it.

If a volume control could work globally across Cohost, I personally believe that'd be the most convenient option. Chances are if I'm lowering volume on one audio player, whatever volume I pick is is what I'm most comfortable with. I can turn it back up if I want to.

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Bandcamp doesn't provide volume control as a way to make the free listening experience a bit more prickly so that you'll buy the music instead. So, not a good reference, tbh. Really the only site that doesn't do volume controls that has its own custom player instead of rendering something native from the browser is tumblr, and well, while cohost is the most similar to tumblr out of any other social site, it's not like they should be used as a reference for everything

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