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Bookmark the union of two tags

Say I'm interested in character design but only as it intersects with the furry tag. Currently the only way to get this in my bookmarked tags (insofar as I'm aware) is to bookmark one or both of the relevant tags and simply... Deal with irrelevant results? Whereas if we're able to bookmark #TagA && #TagB we can filter for only what we're looking for.

5 people like this idea

This would be fantastic, even just being able to search for the union of two tags, or subtracting tags from searches of other tags would be really nice to have. I'd love to be able to more directly curate what tags I see when searching or bookmarking, and it would make discovering other people who do things that you want to see much easier than being able to search for only a single tag at a time.

This would be great! I would also really like to be able to bookmark and muffle tags from specific users. There are people I don't want to follow, but do want to keep up with a particular project they tag. And there are tags I care about that are polluted by people using them for unrelated stuff.

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