big fan of getting a notification digest every day. or, hell. why not every week
a maybe related feature request from a while ago
out of these, the configurable batch length seems like the simplest and the most useful! I'd want the notifications to also not update during that time even if you go to that page manually, to prevent repeated checking even when you don't see the dot.
Getting rid of numbers has been nice, but I would love further incentives to help me click on the notifications tab less. I have multiple suggestions (let me know if it would be easier if I split these into separate threads).
1. Multi-Stage Filtering
The filters on kinds of notifications is nice, but I still kind of want to know that information, even if I am not actively notified by it. I would love it if either I could mark a notification type such that it doesn't add the dot to the notifications tab but it does show up in the list, or if I could have certain kinds of posts add a 'low-priority' notification dot instead
2. Batched Notifications
it would be real nice if I could set the notification settings (preferably on a per-type basis) to only update periodically (e.g. hourly, daily)
3. Different Notification Settings for Pages I Follow
I think this is most useful in conjunction with 1 or 2. I might want to see a friend's like more immediately than some person I do not know (they're probably nice but this isn't high-priority information)
4. A separate Setting for likes of shares vs original posts/replies
This also pairs nicest with above features. I care more whether a friend liked something I shared than if someone I don't know likes a post I did not make
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