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Tags seem to confuse the autocorrect?

I'm having some real issues typing in the tags on mobile! I'm using Firefox on an android (Galaxy A54). Something happens when I type in the tags where the autocorrect seems to think every other or third letter is a word on its own? as if I've pressed space without actually doing so. I keep having to type super slowly to avoid this, or else painstakingly go back and fix each weird typo. Added a screenshot to show the typos, they're not typical ones.

A small update: the autocorrect seems to be fixed, but I found some other bugs in the same situation (on mobile, Firefox, android): -I can't write in all caps. if I want to I have to re-tap the shift key to make each individual letter capital, because it resets the all caps button after each letter -I can't fix typos by tapping on the word to move the indicator. if I do and hit backspace, the letter does get deleted, but then km brought back to the end of the sentence, and the new letter appears there I feel like I worded that VERY badly lol sorry ASSC team!!
apparently I DIDNT add a screenshot?? trying again lol
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