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Ability to go back in the mobile 'app'

As of now is it impossible to simply go back a page in Cohost when using the safari-generated app. After clicking on any post or hashtag the only way out of it is either pressing another hashtag or clicking on the icon to go back to home. When you are scrolling and click on one post to write a comment you will be forced afterwards back to the start of your scrolling journey.
A go back button while remembering the last position in your prior Page would be superb. 

3 people like this idea

Ohh, I could have sworn I tried that x.x But thanks, Jessica, that is really good to know <3

You _can_ swipe from the left edge to go back in all Safari installed apps, but this would still be a nice idea!

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The curious thing is Cohost creates an appalike with that option to link it to your homescreen. What happens with that is that the app launches cohost without the safari interface that way making it impossible to reach the navigation tools of safari. 

Wow does safari seriously not have a way to navigate back a page built into Safari?

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