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unable to delete a certain post

 i rebugged something with a reply and then changed my mind and went to delete it and i got this error:

 Error deleting post: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

it's consistently acting like that now . the post id is 1587326 , its in my drafts now . moving it to drafts worked but i still cant delete it , same message

2 people have this problem

yeah, i can't delete any posts (whether in drafts or published)

oh yup confirmed its not just that one post its any at all

I'm having this same error. Even when I publish the draft and try to delete it after, I can't. It seems you cannot delete any post at this right moment.

Same error, also can't delete posts.
(135 KB)
seems to be fixed now (for me at least)
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