I'm having issues when:
It's to the point even just rechosting an image to a different account is unpleasant as it takes up to a couple seconds for the account dropdown to appear. Working with large posts or posts with a lot of CSS+HTML is also no longer possible, forcing text to be generated by an outside source first then pasted into the editor for final preview. Tagging frequently hangs or lags out, sometimes completing tags early or not at all.
It has lagged the entirety of iPadOS at one point for me when working with a Base64 image in text. The keyboard stopped accepting input and the only thing I could do to remediate was close the app.
It is borderline unusable.
Yeah, ^ marking as unsolved because the tagging experience is pretty unusable right now. See attached 45 second video where i try to tag something as "Tesseract" and where i am, i promise, not being purposefully slow in the slightest. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2dkgm7zh06esvxlohhwi0/tag-editing-on-safari.mov?rlkey=8n8y1jmk1pzxonsvc0jo2riop&dl=0
Also seeing this on desktop Safari. Happens especially when tagging.
Having the same problem, share modal is unusably slow on mobile Safari, I'm running a 1st-gen iPad Pro.
I'm having the same issue, actually, on both iOS and macOS.
Text entry is extremely laggy and hard to work with as a result.
Well i don't know if anything actually changed, but now it runs perfectly fine on both platforms. I could only max it out around 50% by scrolling like a maniac. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just an addition that this doesn't happen on the Settings page at least. Followers page, it happens for a bit while 'loading more'.
Also, i should have mentioned, this is not happening with other sites on my devices – text entry & CPU usage for Tweetdeck, Youtube, Reddit to name a few, is totally normal.
using the site on mac safari and ios safari is super laggy now, and peeking in activity monitor shows it's consuming 100%+ of CPU when i scroll. typing in any text field has like a quarter of a second of lag on both my phone and pc on multiple Pages and multiple pages. haven't noticed this before today. i turned off my userscripts/adblock and got the same behavior so i dont think that's it. can't check any other browsers right now though
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