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Option to entirely remove people's comments from your posts

Currently, when you hide someone else's comment on your post, it doesn't actually remove it from view. It just hides it behind a clickthrough - other people can still view it and even reply to it.


I personally would prefer that it removes the comment from view altogether. I haven't had a need to use it because people have been chill, but it was reassuring to know that if someone was being obnoxious on my post, I could remove them from it and then block them. It's less reassuring to know that it stays up. 

That being said, maybe there's a purpose behind this implementation that I'm not aware of?

45 people like this idea

That being said, maybe there's a purpose behind this implementation that I'm not aware of?

It seems to be similar to Twitter's system, where if you're not somehow lucky enough to have blocked someone before they ever got a chance to reply, whatever they said gets a permanent irrevocable spot in your comments section.

This is terrible and needs to stop.

I would love the ability to delete comment threads as if they never existed. Because some of them shouldn't have.

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Cohost seems to get pretty low safety marks IMO. They need to be better about. Not at all the only problem the post has with users having control over their own safety.

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this change needs to be implemented stat. cohost absolutely does not need twitter style "accountability" for deleting comments on your posts. it shouldn't be "hide comment", it should be "delete comment", and it especially should not be "hide comment, but we'll expose it to the public anyway and highlight the fact that you hid it for everyone to see". completely goes against the ethos of the website if it's supposed to be a space without metrics or free of trigger happy callouts. and regardless it sucks!

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