relevant stackoverflow post
relevant stackoverflow post
+1 i'm still running into this constantly
it's not even a "native app" thing, this is also just how image lightboxes work on basically any website i know of
been meaning to make a post about this. really glad to see i'm not the first to have this issue
Cohost's current lightbox behavior itself seems pretty backwards, too. On other websites, it's fairly common to close the lightbox by either clicking outside the picture, or on a dedicated X button. On Cohost, the lightbox only closes when I click the picture or its description.
in my experience the lightbox *does* close when you click outside the image, it just is bugged to not work in the left and right margins of the max site width. i opened a new report about it here. this is the root of all my woes with the back button etc on this site i think
Gravity Pike
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