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Lock shares/comments as page default toggles

As someone who tends to lock shares for my posts more often than not, I'd really love it if there was an option we could enable on our pages that makes shares locked by default for new posts, while still allowing us to unlock shares for individual posts. Similar to how marking your page as 18+ toggles the 18+ flag for all posts by default. There'd be a separate page toggle for locking comments, so that you can for example lock shares by default but leave comments unlocked, or the other way around, or lock them both if you want.

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I came looking to see if anyone else had made this suggestion. Very much in support of this.

What I'd really like - and I understand if this is divergent from Cohost's goals - is the ability to lock comments down to just the people I follow. I do like comments, but sometimes I just get annoying or tactless drive-by comments, and they're harmless and not anything I can complain about, but I'd really like it if they weren't attached to my posts forever. If I'm being honest, I'm sure I've done the same to someone else's posts too.

This is infinitely more complicated, I'm sure, and might make for a really frustrating moderation situation, but a comment approval queue sort of like you can do on Youtube would satisfy what I'm looking for, too. Every idea I have is messy as hell, honestly, but I feel like I ought to at least gesture towards the idea of having better control over comments.

It would also make sense to be able lock both shares and comments in the post editor before posting it

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