It's sort of like how in Discord people can add emoji responses to your post, except in this case YOU are adding the emoji to your own post.
One more image to show what that mood thingy looks like in a post on LJ. I went back to that horrible site just take a desktop example image. :V
Back in the days of yore, there was one thing I enjoyed about LJ. and that was mood themes!! I also liked the multiple icon choices as well (paid accounts got you more~), but that isn't the post.
I know there's a script floating around for this, but it's...clunky. Copying and pasting a massive code dump just to use an old LJ mood theme? I'll do it, but I end up forgetting more often than not.
Having the ability to create them in future and have the little menu to find a mood? Would be A+!!
Obviously, this is just a complete wish thing and it would be a very low priority thing, but if it's even considered? Awesome!!
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