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Show reshares by others only under tags added by OP

Referencing the top post from here. Decided to make this a separate request from the bottom post (you can find the forum topic for that here).

A recent change to cohost prevents tagged shares of a post to show up under any tag pages, this was done to "reduce the risk of harassment from someone sharing a post, adding tags, and thereby causing it to appear in tag searches that the OP didn’t want it to appear in."

Citing the first post linked above: another user "started a tag for posting chiptune. A lot of people responded with recommendations but I can’t see most of them because cohost recently (understandably) disabled tags showing up in replies. I really want to see All of The Chiptune recs. Perhaps a good compromise could be “it will only show up under the tags that the OP added them to” ".

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