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Better dark mode

The current dark mode doesn't extend to actual posts which still maintain a white background. As a user with eye conditions that make them light sensitive, this can worsen light-induced pain and even be the cause. This causes problems especially on mobile where posts take up the entire screen as you scroll.

160 people like this idea

Currently if you want to use light mode you need to change your browser settings to light mode. Though the option to toggle between light and dark mode in the co-host settings would also be a nice addition. Hope this helps you out Catonium. I am gonna ask that for asking about a toggle feature, you find a different post about a toggle feature to reply to as this one is specifically for asking for accessibility improvements to the already existing dark mode

the toggle feature is a thing i want (or more elaborate theme selection), but what I'm scared about is that the current look of my blogs will change with "better dark mode" and I'm not interested in that, I'm not saying it shouldn't be done, but there should be an option to use the current look as well if wanted, that's all


edit: my browser doesn't have light mode/dark mode, only custom themes. anyway, that's not what I was looking for anyway, I want an option to preserve the current look and that's all

edit2: sorry for my clunky expression, this literally triggered me a panic reaction

Just make it all optional please.

I get eye pain from white text on black background.

@Catonium You've made your point. Please stop spamming this topic like you're trying to personally fight all the disabled people who need this.


Why are you acting like I said it shouldn't be done at all? I only ask for it being optional

This actually exists already and I voted in it.

Sweet! No need to reply to this thread anymore asking for it in that case