One cool thing Github does with its markdown viewer for Readme files and the like is let you embed images from wherever you want, but it silently reuploads them to its CDN and serves those instead. Such a behavior could also be bypassable by not doing that to images that include a question mark serving as a delimiter for parameters (adding a question mark to a static URL is generally supported by all http servers)
This would disable anyone's ability to build anything along the lines of "Cohost Plays Pokemon" again.
It would also force everyone to only use Cohost's fixed layout and limit of four images or else use the very goofy workaround method to grab the URLs and add them.
That will be ameliorated later when the image UI is improved, but I would still strongly prefer to have the option to embed my photos from flickr when I want to. Not every embed is an illicit hotlink.
Disagree with this because it would prevent people from reposting/linking to images on their own websites, and because cohost's upload limits are (understandably) quite small.
there have been a number of posts in months past that used dynamic content to create "cohost plays" and widely editable shared boards, so i don't think disabling the ability entirely to source images from off site is a good idea
perhaps a warning when posting, to let people know there's a better way for static images?
There'd be no way to display it in-line, yeah, but you could link to an external site. Considering the typical size of a cohost post, that doesn't feel very restrictive to me? It only has to be roughly 600x600 pixels, or for high-DPI 1200x1200. I think 10MB is more than enough to get a beautiful image within that space.
"a post can contain images hosted on cohost"
A post can, but I don't think a comment can? Whereas you show an external image in a comment.
While I would love it if Cohost was willing to mirror anything I link, the big problem with this proposal at present is that it means there would be no way whatsoever to display an image larger than 10MB.
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