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Send a notification when a page is mentioned in a post

Pretty much exactly what the subject says. When a page is tagged in a post, send a notification to the tagged party.

85 people like this idea

This is an important anti-harassment feature, IMO. If someone is directly linking their followers to my page, I would like to know about it. Otherwise I won't have any way to know where they're all coming from. Obviously it would always be possible to get around this, but at least there would be a warning in the easiest case.

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This would be cool, maybe having the option to toggle it for each page? Would also be cool to individually select like, only from people i follow, my followers, mutuals, none of the above.

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do you mean when people are tagging people (like for example, I make a post referencing @eggbug, and eggbug gets a notification), or like a pingback system for posts themselves? 

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The former, DB. So if you have “@MrGameAndShout” somewhere in the text of a post you create, I should then get a notification linking me to your post.

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Extremely needed. With no DMs and no other way of even alerting a specific user directly, everyone is encouraged to publicly link off-site contacts which are far broader in scope and potential misuse.

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thinking once again about how nice this would be

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this continues to be one of the features I want the most. I understand having this be an opt-in feature, definitely, so long as it IS an option.

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I think this could also be a useful way to share a post with a friend. If you see something you think they'd like, you should share it with their @ and they'd see it. (Although I'd also like a more direct way of doing this, so as to not bother original posters with notifications that are just pings for other users.)

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