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Show likes under a post (perhaps only for the author)

When someone likes my post, I only find out about this via notifications, and I can't see it on the post itself. I assume it's hidden from posts in general to avoid popularity contests, and that seems perfectly reasonable to me, but for when I'm viewing my own posts, it'd be nice to have cohost help me in remembering which or how many of my friends liked a post.

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Definitely agree it feels extremely isolating.

I understand not making the number of likes or who liked a post public, I think that's perfectly reasonable if not a positive feature. However it really should be visible to the post author, or at least have it be an option the post author / account can turn on and off so those who want the feature can enable it, and those who don't can leave it disabled. 

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I'm definitely for this idea. I don't chase after clout or popularity--I couldn't give a shit about either--but the numbers help me to feel like I'm not just indiscriminately shouting into an isolated, uncaring void where I may see occasional notifications of likes mixed in with everything else in the notifications.

I like to see how many people like my various ponderings, especially wrt certain prurient pontifications, it's especially reassuring to see that people like the specific ways in which I mix the ideas that appeal to me.


I would argue that this should be an opt-in feedback element for users. Cohost's ethos is to not encourage popularity games, which is fine and noble, but it leaves people like me who benefit from the metrical feedback feeling like this site is sterile and unwelcoming, and I'm honestly not sure that I like it.

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I agree that a "view likes/shares" button that displayed a list of each, only visible to the author of a post, would be nice, without putting the number anywhere. If you really want to count, you can do so, but you could do that from your notifications anyway.

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To clarify on my last comment -- just for the author, of course.

Maybe there's a separate discussion to be had about seeing whether your mutuals have liked an arbitrary post, but I don't think the site has real mutual tracking just yet, so probably not relevant yet.

I think being able to see a list of who liked a post on the post itself if it requires a button click to do so is ok, but don't think a count is appropriate.

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I am strongly opposed to this. I can see who liked my posts through the notifications feed. I don't need to be poisoned with numbers.

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agreed re: feels isolated. it'll make the website feel a little less 'empty' (even if, obviously, a lot of people are still signing up) by having those numbers visible.

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i agree. 

while i'm not too interested in popularity contests and metrics, i do like to see who interacted with a post or shared it! i feel like not being able to see interaction make my posts (and sometimes other posts, too) feel a little isolated on the home timeline. i'm also wondering how much more isolated they'll feel once my notifications start to regularly move

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