I just discovered cohost and I think it has a lot of potential.
One suggestion I would like would be plugins for hosting webcomics, where readers would have an archive and previous/next/first/last buttons to browse webcomics.
The ability to view a blog in reverse order would also be nice, for this exact reason. If I could just scroll down, vertically, past posts, starting from the first one at the top, that would be very nice.
The whole "One single comic per page" thing doesn't feel like a particularly great feature, to me. Old webcomic websites did that because they were trying to maximize hits and serve you as many banner ads as possible. I know there's NOSTALGIA there, though, and people using things like ComicRocket would love some rel:next rel:prev on some links.
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Kevin Martinez
almost 2 years ago
Anything that is well suited to webcomic artists is fine, as long as there is something easy to read.
Kevin Martinez
I just discovered cohost and I think it has a lot of potential.
One suggestion I would like would be plugins for hosting webcomics, where readers would have an archive and previous/next/first/last buttons to browse webcomics.
13 people like this idea