I personally would like the Discord style Notes thing. I'd benefit from being able to put my own note under their Headline, personally.
if this becomes a thing, PLEASE don't stupidly add a nickname/note limit like discord does. or at the very least, make it easy to clear nicknames from people, like from the settings menu or something.
discord's system is utterly baffling because (last time i checked anyway,) notes *do not* automatically get removed when you no longer have any contact with a given person, which makes it VERY hard to avoid the limit after being on the platform for many years and meeting/unfriending a certain amount of people. it's VERY frustrating.
discord has a WHAT
yeah its stupid as hell. the limit is 500. (last time i checked it was 50...) that might sound like a lot, but many people have easily hit it, including several friends of mine.
I'm a big fan of this feature on every place I've seen it. It's good for remembering important things about friends (how I met them, pets names, etc.) and also it's handy for if you need to mute/block someone because you can look back and see if it was something minor (kind of annoying, really excited about thing I don't care about) or something big. Really hope we get it
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