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Ablity to view posts on a page by tag

 Right now, clicking a tag on a post while viewing someone's page brings you to the cohost-wide list of posts with that tag. This is great when browsing most of the time, but if I'm on a specific page, I'd like the ability to search that page itself by tag, like how tumblr works. I can imagine it working where you click the tag, and it brings you to a filtered list of posts from that page with the tag, and a button at the top that says something like 'See posts about #eggbug across all of cohost'.

Not a critical feature, but it'd be nice to have

44 people like this idea

I'm just one guy, but I'm one guy whose desire to use Cohost heavily is entirely being thwarted by the lack of this one feature. This is my personal number-one priority.